Rainmail Server User Guide
Dialin - Introduction

With the advent of DSL and other high speed Internet connectivity, VPN (over Internet) is the popular form of accessing a Corporate Network from outside. However, there might be instances when connectivity may need to be established over plain telephone lines and in this case Rainmail Dialin Server is useful. Rainmail Dialin Server allows users to connect to Server network from anywhere just using an Analog modem and a Phone line. To allow a user to Dial-in to the Corporate Network, Rainmail Administrator must enable Dial-in service. Once done, the user can use Windows Networking feature to dial-in to Corporate LAN and access the network. The architecture on the Server side is as follows:

In the following sections, you will see how a user can connect to Rainmail Dial-in Server using Windows XP/7 to access the Corporate LAN. As a preparation for accessing the Corporate Network using Dial-in, the user must obtain the following information from Rainmail Administrator 


Telephone Number to dial-in to 
Login username 
Normally this is the same as your Rainmail account name. However, do check with your Rainmail Administrator. 
Login password 
This is the same as your Rainmail account password. 
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