Rainmail Server User Guide
Message Operation

Message Operation preferences control actions when a message is Moved/Copied/Deleted.

The following table gives a detailed description of the above options:

Confirm before message move/copy 
If this option is chosen, all Message move/copy/delete operations will be confirmed with a Dialog by Web mail application. 
Default Destination 
This is the default folder for Move/Copy operations. 
Smart Destination 
This is the default folder for storing specified filtered messages. 
View next 
This is applicable when viewing a message. When this option is set and the message is moved/copied/deleted, the next message will be displayed. 
Put mail filter in background 
This option specifies how the mail filter is run. User can specify whether it should be run in the background or foreground. If to be run in the background, user can specify when the filter is to be run in the background (e.g., if number of new emails is greater than 100) 
Wait time for background mail filtering 
This specifies how long to wait for making mail filtering run in the background. 
Move old messages to Saved on logout 
If this option is checked, old (read) messages will be moved to Saved folder whenever user logs out. 
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